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Vrindavanam Ayurveda

Nalpamaradi Keram| Ayurvedic Oil for Glowing Skin

Nalpamaradi Keram| Ayurvedic Oil for Glowing Skin

Regular price Rs. 1,300.00
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An ultimate partner for your skincare routine!
Made from the knowledge of the sacred text of Sahasrayogam, it is a unique combination of herbs and oils. 
The ingredients are processed with utmost care and love to extract the active compounds and it is synergistically blended.
Rejuvenate your skin, and revive your glow!

Rejuvenates Skin
Clear up the tan
Reduce sun damage
Reveals soft, dewy, and glowing skin
It is enriched with Varnya herbs 
Has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin
Acne Treatment and scar reduction

Ingredients: Cocos nicifera (Kera taila/Coconut oil), Curcuma longa (Haridra/Turmeric/ Haldi), Oldenlandia corymbosa (Parpataka/Diamond flower/ pitpapra), Ficus racemosa (Udumbara/Cluster fig/Gular), Ficus microcarpa (Plaksha/Indian laurel/Kamarup), Ficus religiosa (Ashwattha/Pipal tree), Ficus benghalensis (Vata/Nyagrodha/Banyan tree), Terminalia chebula (Haritaki/chebulic myrobalan/Harad), Terminalia bellerica (Vibhitaki/Belleric myrobalan/Baheda), Phyllanthus emblica (Amalaki/Gooseberry/Amla), Pterocarpus santalinus (Raktachandana/Red sandalwood), Vettiveria zizanoides (Sevya/Ushira/Vetiver), Rubia cordifolia (Manjishta/Indian madder/Manjith), Kaempferia galanga (Shati/Spiked ginger lilly/kapur kachri), Sausserea costus (Kushta/Indian costus/Kuth), Aquillaria agalocha (Agaru/Agarwood)

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